
If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes or ketoacidosis and used Glucophage or another form of diabetes medication, you might have good cause to file a diabetic medication lawsuit for medical bills, lost wages, and other damages. You might also be entitled to file a lawsuit based on the negligent conduct of the company that sold you the medicine. Who is liable for these injuries? Your doctor, if he or she did not appropriately warn you of the potential side effects and risks of the medicine; your insurance company, if the coverage was inadequate; and the company that sold you the medicine, if it was unaware of its risks. If you have a case, you should consult an attorney experienced in cases like yours.

Diabetic Medication Lawsuit

One case in point involves the use of two different types of diabetes medications – sulfonyl urea (S UL) and glucomannan sodium sulfate (GMS) – by diabetics with pre-diabetes. These two medications are commonly used to treat diabetes. However, in July, 2021, the FDA warned that these two medications can cause an increase in the risk of diabetes type II, especially when they are used without the supervision of a qualified physician or with unsupervised patients. The FDA also stated that the combination of these two drugs could lead to increased blood pressure, kidney damage, or other serious health complications.

In other cases, diabetic medication lawsuits have been launched on the basis of medical malpractice.

For example, in the case of J.D. Ball, a Chicago patent attorney filed a lawsuit on behalf of a diabetic who died after taking J.D. Ball, a patent applicant. The lawsuit alleged that the drug company knowingly marketed a drug that caused the patient’s death. On appeal, the court found that there was sufficient evidence that J.D. Ball’s manufacturer was liable for its marketing failure and that the product caused the accidental death of the patient.

Another case involves diabetic patients taking Invokana for chronic kidney disease.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Invokana for use in January, 2021. According to the FDA, patients taking invoking doses while diagnosed with chronic kidney disease should not experience any of the associated risks noted with the use of other non-prescription drugs such as the ones discussed above. Invokana has been banned for sale in the U.S. according to the FDA.

In June, 2021, The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists announced that it was reviewing the safety of invoking for patients with diabetes, but will hold off on recommending its use.

At this time, the association has not received data regarding invoking side effects. It said that further studies are needed to determine whether the side effects are related to a “lack of adequate knowledge or skill on the part of the manufacturers” and whether the drug’s use could have “negligent consequences.” It also said that further work is needed to evaluate the safety of “unauthorized use” of ketoacidosis-lowering agents such as invoking.

There are two lawsuits currently pending in Florida. One lawsuit involves a woman who was diagnosed with diabetes, had her medications modified by her doctor, and was later diagnosed with kidney disease. She is seeking compensation for lost wages, permanent partial paralysis, inability to walk, loss of ability to perform the necessary daily activities of life, and various medical bills. The second lawsuit involves a man who was working as a roofer when he was diagnosed with Type II diabetes, had his medications modified by his doctor, had his potassium levels reduced and later suffered congestive heart attacks and kidney failures due to continued medication modifications. He is seeking compensation for those losses.

1 thought on “Diabetic Medication Lawsuit

  1. I took Glucophage and had pancreatitis in 2002 and cost me my professional career I was in the ICU for four days and my blood sugar shot up to 800 and lost about 20puonds in one day.

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