
Ohio labor laws protect the rights of employees to be paid at or above the legal minimum wage. This law is not affected by whether an employer contracts with the United States Department of Labor (USDOL), an agency of the United States government, for the payment of wages or any other employee benefits. Some workers may be entitled to benefits such as workers’ compensation insurance coverage, even if they are employed in an exempt position.

The Fair Labor Standards Act is a federal law governing minimum employee hours and wages. Under this law, the Federal minimum wage is set at seventy-five cents an hour. Under Ohio state labor laws, employers may pay to the Federal minimum wage, but state law mandates a minimum wage for all employers whose annual gross receipts exceed $292,000, except for small employers who can legally pay the state minimum wage. Employers must comply with the guidelines laid down in the State labor code. Violation of Ohio labor laws can result in criminal penalties.

Ohio labor laws include a number of wage and hour provisions. OSHA is the official federal agency responsible for ensuring a safe and healthy environment for employees through training, inspections and enforcement. OSHA regulations provide details on the rights of employees to file complaints, make claims, participate in investigations and appeal decision. Employers are obligated to provide reasonable notice when workers are planning to join a union. Workers have the right to form and join a trade union, and the employer must allow these rights to be exercised without harassment or interference.

OSHA is also responsible for enforcing federal, state and local laws on minimum compensation and overtime pay. Employees can make a claim against their employer if they are not paid the appropriate amount of wages for their work time or if they have been incorrectly paid for the same work done by another employee. In addition, OSHA has authority to order employers to stop any activity that violates the laws on minimum pay and overtime pay. in cases of an employer refusing to pay overtime. pay workers for work they did not perform.

Ohio labor code also has a section on discrimination in employment. Employers may not discriminate against an employee because of gender, race, religion, age, national origin, disability, political beliefs or any other ground protected by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which makes it illegal to discriminate based on race, sex or color. State employment discrimination law also protects against discrimination due to age and pregnancy.

OSHA provides information on its website about how to file a complaint, including contacting OSHA. or filing a complaint online. In the case of an injury or death in the workplace, an injured employee should contact an attorney licensed to practice in Ohio.

OSHA can be contacted toll-free at 800-321-2619 or by mail to the address supplied by the state of Ohio. If you require an emergency claim letter, contact your state labor department for more information on deadlines and requirements for filing a claim. Also, contact a qualified attorney licensed to practice in Ohio for Ohio law, or the state of Ohio’s Department of Employment Relations to receive more information about filing a complaint. Ohio laws provide detailed information on how to submit a claim form.

Ohio labor laws can affect your rights to the protection of federal and state labor laws. The following information provides general information about Ohio labor laws, but is not intended to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional legal advice regarding the employment situation you may be involved in. If you need legal advice or are considering filing a claim, contact a qualified attorney licensed to practice in Ohio for Ohio labor laws, or visit the Department of Employment Relations website to obtain more detailed information about Ohio labor law.

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