A Lawsuit Could Recover Medical Costs and Discontinue Defective Drugs
Defining and describing a Dexilant lawsuit (also known as Neutrogena Onxan) is not easy. There are currently no medications to relieve the symptoms associated with the condition that is known as chronic kidney disease or nephrotic syndrome. Nephrotic syndrome is a collection of kidney disease symptoms, including severe and recurrent pain, blood in the urine, severe dehydration, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. A doctor can only be reasonably certain that the patient is suffering from this condition when at least three of the following symptoms are present:
Dexilant Lawsuit
The only medications that can be given to patients with this type of kidney disease are the drugs known as aminophylline and proton pump inhibitor. Although these drugs have proven successful in relieving the symptoms associated with this condition, there have been serious concerns about the potential side effects that these drugs can have on patients.
For example, the FDA had concluded that pregnant women were unnecessarily exposed to the drugs because they had not been adequately warned about the risks involved. At this point in time, there have been no definitive long-term studies regarding the effects of Dexilant lawsuit on unborn babies.
In addition, a large clinical trial comparing dexilant lawsuit with saline did not demonstrate any significant difference in the incidence of birth defects between the groups.
There are ongoing studies concerning the effect of the drug on fetuses and there are reports concerning defects that were detected at an early stage in the pregnancy. Based on these reports, it is unclear whether the drug could have a harmful effect on the first trimester or not.
Based on the information available, the FDA concluded that the risks of the drug do not outweigh the benefits to patients who would be taking it to relieve some of the symptoms associated with nephrotic syndrome.
It also determined that the benefits outweigh the risks. Thus, the agency recommended that all women be informed of these risks and that they receive adequate warnings about the possibility of the drug causing hexavalentine birth defects. The FDA further advised women of the need for such warnings and of the benefits they would enjoy if they chose to take no medications or use other alternatives.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists called the FDA’s decision “deeply disappointing” and called for more studies to be conducted in order to determine the safety of the drug.
The agency has not yet recommended any additional studies. The Center for Drug Evaluation, which is part of the FDA, stated that the results of the earlier animal studies provided enough evidence for them to conclude that there is no danger to pregnant women. They also recommended further studies to evaluate the safety of the drug in pregnant women, but have yet to issue a final recommendation.
Mothers who choose to file a multidistrict litigation case seeking damages for their child’s defect will be required to prove both negligence on the part of GlaxoSmithKline, and, that the drug manufacturer was aware of the danger associated with its use.
If successful in this litigation, a judge will determine who is liable for medical malpractice, lost wages, and future care costs. Dexilant lawsuits seek damages on these bases alone, but it may also cover other claims such as emotional distress and pain and suffering. Mothers should consult an experienced personal injury attorney to discuss their case in more detail. Legal aid is available to those who cannot afford to pursue a Dexilant lawsuit on their own.