H&R Block calls May Be Used in Litigation Support
Hiring a call recording lawsuit specialist is not as hard to find as it may seem. When you are looking for an experienced litigation services firm, you will find this industry referred to as H.R. (Human Resource) management. As with any other business, there are many firms that offer this type of service, and most have several attorneys on staff. There are also several litigation support companies that specialize in both H.R. management of recorded calls, and the associated litigation support.
One of the most effective strategies of H.R. management is to use call capture features that record the voice of the customer at the time of the sale, and then store the information in a database.
The database can be used by litigation support executives to find previous communications that require replaying in court, or it can be used simply for training purposes. There is no need to learn any new skills when it comes to using call capture features as part of a legal services firm’s overall strategy.
Another way in which a lawsuit support company can use its recordings in an effort to win a case involves a client who is suing his or her ex-spouse for divorce fraud.
Let’s assume that a client calls a legal services firm that specializes in resolving marital disputes. While initially establishing contact, the client explains that he or she has received numerous calls from his or her ex-spouse, and would like to file a suit against his or her spouse.
At this point, one of the firm’s team members should record the call and take down all of the relevant information. Once this information is stored, the team member can make a cold call to the ex-spouse and use the recording as evidence in the lawsuit.
In many ways, this strategy could be applied to virtually any kind of litigation support situation.
If an insurance company were to lose a court case due to shoddy care in the handling of a claim, it could use a deposition to obtain key information about an opposing attorney’s strategy and tactics.
Likewise, if a lawyer was to use an improper move during a deposition, the recording could prove extremely helpful as proof of how he or she conducted themselves during a trial. In other words, the mere existence of such a recording could profoundly impact any court proceedings.
In short, the use of call recording as part of a legal services firm’s overall strategy can be helpful for any client whose legal situation may require him or her to speak with an opposing attorney.
Whether the call recording is used as evidence in a court of law or simply as information to be used at trial, it is a tool that can help attorneys do their jobs better. This is particularly true where depositions are concerned.
Where a deposition has been poorly handled by one party (i.e., the opposing attorney) who failed to read his or her legal form properly, or failed to introduce crucial evidence at trial, an expert witness who can listen to the exchange between the attorneys and their client and then make a positive analysis of that exchange will likely provide a very helpful result for the plaintiff.
It is also worth noting that although H&R Block now makes its own calls as part of its litigation support services, many other firms continue to hire outside companies to handle calls. Indeed, while many of these firms are relatively small, they often handle hundreds of calls each year for their clients. Therefore, whether a particular case will require the use of an on-site call recorder or an online call recorder will depend almost entirely on the potential litigation outcome. Call recording can often make a real difference in how much money an attorney spends on litigation support, so it is clearly something worth considering for all types of cases.