
The Smith and nephew knee lawsuit are a classic case of a big corporation fighting for the rights of its employees. The case was settled out of court. This may have been because they could not come to an agreement. Either way, the settlement was handled by the time the cases went to trial. A lot of money changed hands. Here are some of the highlights of this long and costly struggle.

Smith And nephew Knee Lawsuit

The company settled with the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. They were willing to settle for less than their initial counter claim of nearly seven hundred million dollars. (USD). The reason they settled was because of the extreme importance of winning this case in the eyes of the court. The judge in the case told the company it would be better to settle than to go to trial and risk losing even more money. The judge was also impressed with how quickly the case moved along.

1. The legal fees alone reached over one million dollars.

This represented about fifty percent of the entire lawsuit’s cost. The lawyers obviously had a tough time getting this case to trial. The company was desperate for a quick ruling and this decision certainly helped them get their day in court. The judge in the case, however, thought otherwise.

2. During the discovery process, the lawsuits revealed that the defendant Company USA was not where the company was registered.

The home office had no business license. The US Secretary of State, John K. Kerry, knew this all along. Yet, despite his knowledge of the situation, he still did nothing to help the company. He even went so far as to have Smith and Jones send his personal emails instead of his usual business ones.

3. There was never any proof that the products in question were defective.

This was a big mistake on the part of the company. They later changed their position and admitted that there were indeed defective products involved in the lawsuit. They also changed the name of the company from Smith Kline to Smith and Nephew. You can be sure that this was done in an attempt to confuse the jury.

A big lesson to be learned here is that if you’re going to file a Knee Lawsuit, you need to be extremely careful about who you hire to help you. The plaintiffs in the Smith and nephew knee lawsuit had a difficult time proving that they were the victims of a defective product. If you’re going to sue a company you don’t know, you might as well just stick with the smaller companies that are known to be good, safe companies. Never trust big companies with complicated lawsuits like these. Good luck!

2 thoughts on “Facts About the Smith And nephew Knee Lawsuit

  1. I have had a catastrophic knee failure genesis II
    Need lawyer to get in touch asap.
    Thank you
    Now Revision too Smith and Nephew Catastrophic laxity hospitalisation 2 wounds internal and external.
    Zirconium within 96.5 % pure so heavy metal poisoning. very important. Need this case to be applied and compensation asap. No work no life Nothing now!!!!!!!
    Mrs Janine Thompson

  2. Have implants parts blood test with Zr within me and positive blood test. need legal!!!

    Have photos too of failure parts and my body damage re organs and swelling etc etc

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