Credit One Bank can never harass you over a past due debt. However, you do have rights under the law, especially if the bank tries to collect the debt after you have stopped paying it. You can stop the harassing and then end the debt immediately by filing a lawsuit against the bank. And, you will get free debt relief from creditors as well as cleaned-up credit reports, too.
Credit One Lawsuit
Agriss Law Firm is the right source to fight your Credit One lawsuit. Since a debtor to file a lawsuit in the Federal Court, the bank cannot use any tactics to avoid paying the debt, such as trying to avoid court or ignoring letters. The bank must respond to the lawsuit in a timely fashion. It is important that you understand the laws and know your rights before pursuing your case.
When you are ordered to pay money damages, the money will go first to your attorneys fees and expenses.
Any over money that you receive will go to the credit one creditor. Then, it will go to the remaining debt. If you have more than one credit report, your account will be closed and any additional debt that you had will also be closed, unless you have negotiated with the collection agency to restore your accounts to good standing. So, when the credit one bank takes you to court over the money owed on your account, they will receive money damages that cover their attorneys fees and other expenses.
Federal Trade Commission or the FTC has introduced legislation that makes life easier for consumers who are victims of harassment from credit reporting bureaus.
The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act are commonly referred to as the “FTC act”. This was enacted by congress to help protect the consumer from abusive collection practices, which use the power of the credit reporting agencies to contact and threaten the debtors in an attempt to collect debts. The law will make it harder for these bureaus to sue you for damages due to their illegal activities.
If the credit reporting agency fails to follow the letter of the law and contacts you in an attempt to collect your debt, then they are not liable for money damages.
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act makes it very clear that the credit reporting agency cannot contact you in an attempt to collect money damages. So, if the collection agency contacts you about your debt, it is important that you do not respond. Instead, you should consult with an attorney who can guide you in the proper direction.
The debt collector is not required by the FDCPA to tell you why they are following you and collecting money.
So, they can pursue you without telling them why they have contacted you. If they violate the law and try to collect money damages, you can seek monetary compensation from an attorney who has knowledge of the FDCPA. The attorney may be able to provide you with a lawyer who will advise you on the proper steps to take in dealing with the debt collector. This could include arbitration, an agreement in which the debt collector agrees to cease all collections efforts, a Cease and Desist order, or a court order to stop all collection efforts.